Sunday, December 29, 2013

Learn English by creating a story

The storybird is an another amazing tool which is one of the benefits of technology. It can be used either as a lesson material to present the language topic or as a classroom activity to make the students explore to using language structures and grammar points by practicing them.  If you would like to use it as material, it could be involved in any sessions of  the lesson. In the presentation part, the lesson topic can be introduced to the students by discussing the highlighted language points in the prepared story before. In the practical part, the students can work in small groups and practice the language points while reading the story or talking about it. As an activity, storybird might be involved in the production part of the lesson. It would be fun and enjoyable to create a story collaboratively about whatever the students want. By this way, students would have a chance to use the language both by speaking and writing. Most importantly, they would feel confident in using the language after completing the task.
As an example, I can share my experience in creating a story by using the storyboard. First, with my pair, we brainstormed on the issue which language topic should be included in the story. We decided on the teaching adjectives by common consent. Then, we choose the pictures among the great variety of images offered on the webpage of storybird. It gives an opportunity to use the image according to the development of the story. Then we completed the story in which a few adjectives we intended to teach were presented through the lines composed the story. You can look at it via the link above.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

Introduction of CLT

This is one of the extraordinary tools which is necessary to use in language learning and teaching. After experienced to use it, I thought that I could teach a language point my nephews from the distant. And I asked them determine the subject which they aren't able to understand clearly and I would prepare a video to teach them with that point. It was an amazing experience to get learners teach something even distance. It was also the first practice for me to use this technology for my imaginary class. I am definitely sure about that it will work to get students' attention in the first part of the lesson when I use it in future as in my first trial in the class.

Poster for CLT classroom

I think that visualizing of  the knowledge helps to retain it in mind much longer than gaining it just by reading. It is necessarily important to gain knowledge by visually as well as reading or writing in order not to forget in a short time. Because of the fact that language learning definitely requires a good memory, in particular for improving vocabulary knowledge, the using of visuals can be counted as an essentials of language teaching. Therefore, it would be a perfect idea to start the lesson with the poster in order to provide learners with an opportunity to decode and encode the knowledge by the means of pictures or any other visuals.