Personal Profile

My name is Meryem POLAT. I was born on 01.04.1981. I am a Turks citizen and this make me feel proud. I am currently at Middle East Technical University studying English Teaching as a Foreign Language because I am always interested in English and I want to be master. What I like about my studies is to learn English by using all skills. What I dislike about my studies is to not able to enough speaking practice. I am saving up for going to abroad because I believe in the more exposed to language, the better learning occurs. My home is in Sivas and I have lived here for 18 years. My favorite activities include dancing, palying tennis, doing individual sport and sightseeing. I love to do these because I feel so comfort and relax while doing active things. I love to say affirmative words and my most over-used saying is probably is I have to do my best. My favorite meal
involves fried chicken, spaghetti, stuffed vine leaves and my favorite snack food is tost, chips and hamburger. The person who supports me the most is my father and in my life he has helped me to success what I want by motivating me. The best time of the day for me is the morning because I feel so fresh in mornings and I like to have breakfast. My greatest inspiration is that I want to become successful in my studies. My all-time role model is my English teacher who was in my high-school because he is devoted on his job and he is very altruistic person. I would like to be like him because he is very good teacher.

When I was little I remember that I wanted to become a manager. My childhood was generally challenging as there were some restrictions in regard to a piece of property. I could access to some extend whatever I want, and this is because school was an important place for me, where I can achieve my goals and meet my needs . I always found  school as a means to get rid of restrictions in my life. This is because school gives an opportunity to me to become successful and it makes me fell free as I can do whatever I want,even it is difficult. The best teacher I ever had was my English teacher in my high school because he was stable and that made me realize that in order to become successful I should not never give up. The worst teacher I ever had was my English teacher as well but he was in secondary school because he hadn't taught anything as he was indifferent and unwilling that made me realize that I should not be like him in each part of my life. The best thing anyone has ever said to me is that I am kindhearted. The worst thing anyone has ever said to me is that I am impatient and furious. What no one has ever told me is selfishness. I am proud that I always consider my proficiency not to be stay at the level in which I am. The greatest lesson I learned was self-development and I learned it when I was in high-school. The wisest thing anyone ever told me was I can do it if I want and it helped me to come to my current status.

In my thirties I hope to achieve to build a career and to start a family. In my forties I hope to  achieve to be in the position that I want-being a manager. The goals I have included going abroad and studying there for one or two years, founding a language learning  institution and working as a teacher at the same time as a manager. I am worried about going and living an abroad. I am confident that I can handle with my worries and I can do whatever I want. I feel uncertain of being able to find a language learning institution. I know for sure that I will become a good teacher.

I believe that if one indeed wants to do something. There is nothing that will not able to be done. I am happy when I can achieve my goals. It is important to study regularly and to be strong-willed. I am interested in educational psychology. What no one realizes about me is my point of view toward to language acquisition. I think that language acquisition is directly related to the environment. That is it can be achieved more easily as long as you intensively exposed to it. Therefore, I believe that it is required to live in the country where the language desired to acquire is spoken. My destiny is to have three professions, one is to work as a nurse in a military hospital, the other is to graduate from  Public Administration and the last one is that I am still already studying, English Teaching in METU. I chose this school as I want to take a distinguish education and feel competent in this profession. I have also gained so many experiences while studying.

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