The main reason of why I want to be a teacher is based on my personality. I am very kind hearted person and I like to help people. In fact I chose my profession (nursing) at the present time for this reason. However, as it is so exhausting job and it doesn't give any opportunity in my career development, I have decided to change my profession in the same institution by changing my status as an English teacher. By this way I would have an opportunity for both self-improvement and career development. The most important thing is the fact that I love English and I believe in knowing a second language means being two individual at the same time. If it is considered that we live in the global world any more, knowing more than one language gives a numerous chance to people to become successful in almost all areas. Because of all these reasons above I want to be an English teacher.
I have had a good experience in teaching children by chance. When I went to visit one of my niece, seven years old,  in her school, there was no teacher in class. When the children saw me, they started to exclaim; ''my teacher, my teacher''. At that time, I thought that I could manage that classroom by giving a brief lesson. I asked them what was their lesson in that hour, and they said it was painting lesson. Then I started to guide them open their painting notebook and draw a picture in regard with their teacher. Because they love their teacher so much. As the teacher was in hospital to be operated, all children drew the picture which describes   their teacher's situation, for instance, one of the pictures was depicting a hospital. After the class, I picked their pictures and sent their teacher by the means of the post.
I hope to learn in the second grade main approaches to language learning and determine my own approach among all language teaching methods, then be able to apply it in the class. By the time I graduate I hope to gain proficient knowledge in effective teaching, and after all I want to become a master in teaching English by using all skills.

I am curious about one of the areas of instructional practice which I focus on as an instructional problem : What are the challenges of teaching large classes? How can teacher re-organize instruction to address the needs of large classes?
According to me, good education and effective teaching occur in  small classrooms. Because, each individual needs to full concentrate on the instruction and to give feedback individually whenever it is necessary. I believe in the more distractions in learning environment, the less learning outcomes occur. The nature of language and learning requires a well designed learning environment. If there are more than adequate students, the teacher  wouldn't not give not only good instruction but also feedback which is one of the most important requirements of effective teaching.
According to one of the internet based sources, there may be advantages of large classes as well as disadvantages. It is claimed that large classes make the lesson more fun and exciting and also in these classes, there is no need for fillers as they go quickly. On the other hand, there are many disadvantages of the large classes. Not to know students very well, timing consideration for grading assignments and tests and taking place more distractions such as latecomers, chatting students.
Another research in the same area was conducted by Dan WOLNE(2011). Wolne emphasizes the challenges of the large class both for students and for teachers (2011). The results of his research indicate that in fact the large class has many opportunities according to students: the large class environment can help them to inculcate study skills as they move forward their education. ''The large class environment puts more of the responsibility for learning in the hands of the students, since they will likely have less interaction with the teacher in that class''.
From the teacher's perspective, the challenges of the large classes sharpen some of the most basic skills of being a teacher. Teachers have to improve their effective teaching performance from the pace of the presentation to the adequacy and usefulness of the assessments.

In another source, different strategies are suggested for re-organizing instruction to address the needs of large classes. These strategies are as in the following:
-Mixed-ability group: The more able learners in the group can help the others to master the work so that teacher need not teach some parts.
-Some-ability groups: Leave the groups of faster learners to get on with the work on their own. Give extra help to individual learners in the slower groups.
-Using group leader/monitors: Appoint faster, more able learners as group leaders or monitors who can help slower learners.
The video above reflects my teaching philosophy, I hope you will enjoy while watching it.

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