Saturday, March 10, 2012

Learning with media

I have chosen ''Learning with media'' as my research topic to indicate and to expose the benefits of multimedia  in learning foreign language or gaining any knowledge. I think learning is not simply a passive to response to instruction's ''delivery''. Rather, it is an active, constructive, cognitive and social progress. Therefore, learner should manage strategically available cognitive, physical, and social resources to create new knowledge by interacting with information in the environment and integrating it with information stored in memory. I also concern about this topic because my professional interest is closely with how to teach effectively. Furthermore, it involves my personal interests in terms of the way my daily life. That is, constant contact with my friends, searching for research, and using social network-sites are possible with any forms of multimedia. At the end of this research, I hope to learn what impacts of using media as an instructional tool in teaching foreign languages to young learners or adults. Beside this, I expect to improve my personally by using the media practically and to promote my professionally by learning many useful information related with my profession interest. I have encountered some problems while I have been searching my research topic via internet. One of these is I wasn't able to manage how to abbreviation. Another one is I couldn't download the information which I exactly need. Thus I had to spend much more time on downloading than writing.


  1. Were you a dolphin in the British Council test on teaching styles? You seem to be quite a socially inclined person, which is useful in the virtual world of the Internet.

    What problems were you having with abbreviations? Also, let me know what problems you were having in downloading the research articles. I might be able to make some suggestions.

    1. sorry for late to reply. Actually I have a problem with using all tools on the internet. Because, as I said before all of these are new things for me. I used to traditional methods which require just book, notebook,pencil like these...So it may be take a little bit time to get used it, yet I have been attempting to learn it. That's why I have so many questions to ask you. And thank you so much for your patience.

  2. This is a really good topic. Nowadays people can learn fast with the media as it offers a lot of facilities and opportunities for jobs

  3. Yes, I do agree that this is a good topic. Looking forward to see what you're gonna come up with ;)
