Monday, April 23, 2012

Learning with Multimedia

Using Media in Foreign Language Education and Its Pedagogical and Cognitive Impacts on The Teaching and Learning Process: How Does The Media Help To Improve Teaching And Learning a Foreign Language?

Today, technology is gradually improving in every field of study including education. Teaching  and learning no longer has to take place in a physical setting.  Current technological tools enable students to observe and absorb a foreign language and interact with their teachers in a virtual settings as if they were in a physical classroom. With the advancements in technology, many institutions are integrating technology to their academic curriculum.

In order to indicate the significance of using the media components in education and to give the strong attention in technology use for language learning, it is important to figure out how technology has been used in the field. The purpose of this research is to provide the required information with regards to impacts of using media both from the perspective of a language educator and that of a language learner.  Additionally, this research will try to find out how the media is going to help enhancing language-skill in a foreign language learning and teacing process.

As it is understood from the name, multimedia is the integration of multiple  forms of media. When the language learning process, including constructive, cognitive, and social aspects, is taken into account, it is clear that there is an actual and potential relationship between media and learning(Kozma 1991). It is obvious that multimedia provides opportunity to learners and instructors to develop their skills and shape their learning methods. Because it offers to be learning by hearing, seeing and also speaking, they will be involved into the constuctive learning environments which assures not only to advance learning and teaching, but also to develop student- teacher interactions.

Liu and Moore(2002) define ‘language learning’ as a multifaceted social and cultural phenomenon.  They emphasize that in order to further enrich our knowledge of the language learning process in the computer-assited environment, it is required to describe the vital components of media. There are a great variety of multimedia tools used in teaching and learning a foreign language. Computer, Word-processing and Internet are commonly used among of these tools.

Computer is used to present multimedia items such as video, powerpoint presentation and sound. It has a considerable impact on the way how teachers deliver information to their students and how students obtain effectively this knowledge.  James(2012) states that the methods of teaching and learning can be advanced by using computer, because it is possible to use visual and audio materials with computer. These materials have positive contributions to the learning process as learner use his eyes as well as his ears.  Media embody certain features that interact with learners to influence the structure, formation and modification of these mental models. (Kozma 1991)

The best aspect of the computer is video that has a great advantage by enabling an authentic language input in a matter being made the movies and TV programmes for native speakers. The practical applications of video can give students a chance to imitate natural models for role-play, and to increase of understanding of other cultures by teaching suitability. By this way, they are able to concentrate on the language in detail and interpret what has been said, repeat it, predict the reply etc. They can also concentrate in detail on visual clues that is an important part of video methodology to meaning facial expression, gesture, posture and on details of the environment.

According to study of Liu&Moore(2002) a reasonable amount of literature has been dedicated to the potential benefits of computer-based training. It is underlined that the benefits of computer teaching as a tool could include increasing language learners' self esteem, vocational preparation, language proficiency and overall academic skills. Educators have particularly interested in technology's interactive capabilities, such as providing instant feedback and increasing learner independence.

There is an experience one of the teachers, which is illustrating how technology-based training can contribute to the students’ accomplishment with conventional academic task (Cited from ‘Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Student’):

The kids that don't necessarily star can become the stars. [with technology]. My favorite is this boy . . . who had major problems at home. He figured out a way to make music by getting the computer to play certain letters by certain powers and it changed the musical tone of the note and he actually wrote a piece. He stayed in every recess. . . . When I asked him what he was working on, he wouldn't tell me. Then he asked if he could put his HyperCard stack on my computer because it was hooked up to speakers. I said "sure" and at recess. . . he put it on my computer and played his music and literally stopped the room. And for months he had kids begging him at recess, every recess, to teach them how to make music. And for that particular kid it was the world because he really was not successful academically and was having lots of problems. . . . This really changed him for that school year. -Elementary school teacher.    

Another one multimedia tools is internet which is an extremely useful resource for instructors and learners as it makes information rapidly accessible(Kozma 1991). Similarly, Serva & Fuller(1999) endorse this notion by asserting that in order to support the structure of education, it requires not only academic content knowledge in a field of study, but also skills in team work, interaction, management and rational decision making.  The ways of improving the quality of the students's educational experience and the instructor's performance have to be found in order to exel in a foreign language teaching and learning.

Internet is the prime instructional instrument with its linking and interactive capabilities to able to enhance vocabulary learning and reading comprehension(Liu&Moore 2002). Brouse&Basch(2011) support this idea in their research paper. They point out that using a variety of web-based materials such as instant messaging, social networking and video conferencing is an effective way for authentic learning environment and interactions between teachers, students and native speakers of the target language. The usage of online learning communities indicates the way how learning might be facilitated through improved interaction and cooperation.

E-mail, bulletin boards, digital video and blog can be accounted another examples of internet tools, currently being used in foreign language learning and teaching. This magical collection of tools is largely ignored in the literature as an incentive to attract students to exact culture-laden contexts, which they are able to respond by speaking and writing in the target language. For instance, e-mail is regarded as a very realistic form of communication because it is real conversation about real topics with real people(Liu&Moore 2002). E-mail and simultaneous chat can master effective language skills. They are also valuable in developing critical thinking skills(Liu&Moore 2002).

The other one of multimedia tools is the Word processing(WP) which is perhaps the most accepted and universal use of computers in education. Roblyer&Duering claim that there is probably no other technology resource has had as great impact on education as WP.  It is used to support any kind of directed instruction or constructivist activity because of having many greater relative advantages to teachers and students.

Saving time, enhancing document appearance, and allowing sharing of documents are  some of  the WP’s advantages. It helps teachers use preperation time efficiently by letting them modify materials instead of create new ones. Materials created with WP software look more excellent and professional than handwritten or typed materials.

WP programs such as Micrososft Word improve a foreign language learners’ writing skills by providing a better understanding of spelling and new vocabulary. They are should be encouraged to use WP programs while they are writing an assignment or anything because the writing process can be facilitated with the WP programs. This programs are especially helpful in several writing stages: composing, revising, and editing due partly to fact that they don’t require students to rewrite their work. Moreover, they give a chance to students to format their work and produce copies which are clearly readable and improvement appearance.

It is a undeniable fact that the importance and effectiveness of technology in teaching and learning a foreign language. Learners can manage available cognitive, physical, and social resources to create new knowledge by interacting with information in the learning environment and integrating with information stored in memory(Kozma 1991). In this process, tecnology plays a crucial role to improve the effectiveness of the learning and teaching process by raising the quality of education.  Multimedia has no doubt reshaped the way learning and teaching by supporting, expanding and enhancing course content, learning activities, and teacher-student interactions with the advancements in technology(Abdous 2010). 

In the light of all these knowledge, in order to carry out an advanced learning process, it is needed to integrate and interact with the multimedia tools as an instructional instruments. It is certain that all multimedia tools have magnific impacts and contributions to the language learning process as long as they are used at the right time and in the right place.



1- Abdous, m., & facer, b. r. (2010). MALL Technology: Use of Academic Podcasting in the Foreign Language Classroom . Academic Podcasting and Mobile Assisted Language Learning: Applications and Outcomes (p. 93). Virginia: IGI Global, 2010.

2- Brouse, C. H., & Basch, C. (2011). Use and Efficiency of Various Technological Methods in the Different Aspects of Teaching and Learning a Foreign Language at 16 Universities in New York. Journal of the Research Center for Educational Technology,7(36), 30. Retrieved April 24, 2012, from

3- Liu, M., & Moore, Z. (2002). A Look at the Research on Computer-Based Technology Use in Second Language Learning: A Review of the Literature from 1990-2000.. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 34(3), -.

4- Kozma, R. (1991). Learning with Media. Review of Educational Research, 61 , 179–211. Retrieved April 24, 2012, from 10.3102/00346543061002179

5- Serva, M. A., & Fuller, M. A. (1999). The Role of Media Use and Active Learning in Higher Education: The Development of an Instrument to Determine the

6- The Impact of Word Processing in Education | (n.d.) | An Education & Child Development Site for Parents | Parenting & Educational Resource. Retrieved April 22, 2012, from

7- James, E. (n.d.). Multimedia Tools Used for Teaching. Retrieved March 23, 2012, from

8- Effects of Technology on Classrooms and Students. (n.d.). U.S. Department of Education. Retrieved April 24, 2012, from


Tuesday, April 10, 2012

when you become a teacher...
there is a video about what people think when they become a teacher.  what about your thougts as you are 21st century teacher...

Sunday, April 1, 2012

creative capacity in education system

In that video Ken Robinson criticize the current education system in the world. By emphasizing the main issues  about how kids should be educated to make them more creative and intelligence person, he claims the education system has to be prepared for the view of intelligence to have a chance to be wrong as students are learning. Moreover it should consist of the art subjects except from basic disciplines such as mathematics, science in order to improve the creative capacities of the students. I entirely agree with him. Our current education system is based on the main academic subjects and does not offer any opportunity to become an author, a painter, a dancer...etc. In other words, the students are being educated out of their creative capacities.
     I have a story related with this. When I was primary school, I was interesting in folk dancing.  After we were trained for one year in school, my folklore group attained a competition. We were the third as degree. It was great experience for me. However I couldn't last this talent because of the education system as it requires to study the main subjects for preparing the exams. 
    I want to reflect the significance of this issue by making reference another experience of mine. As Mr.Robinson said that ''By the time children get to be adults most kids have lost their creative capacity.'' When I was high school, we had a language lab to be able to learn English effectively. It was very useful for this aim with our English teacher. We learned writing, reading and even speaking in English. Unfortunately like the previous experience of mine we had to quit this training because of the education system again. 
     To be honest, I don't feel that I am now able to be creative as I was in high school.  As I am getting older, it becomes a bit harder to learn new things especially to be required having creative capacity.
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