Wednesday, May 23, 2012

peer assessment for the final research paper

Generally, research paper which I evaluated was prepared in terms of reviewing the literature. But it could have included more information and sources to support the purpose of the paper. In my opinion, this research topic is closely relate with the education, especially in learning and teaching effectively. Because of this, it is an important issue that should be taken into consideration and investigated what are the impacts of the web-based education on both learners and instructors?, and also how do web-based tools help to improve learning and teaching? In this research paper, it is emphasized to the significance of the technology as an instructional tool by stating usage of it in some schools.It could have been highlighted with the broad scanning. In order to develop the content of the research paper, it should be used more sources and given more references. This is the crucial point for well-prepared research paper. Finally, this research paper is viewed as general reviewed, well-organized, and well-phrased. On the other hand it has lack of information and sources. I congratulate Bülent for his topic choice, touching on this issue, and also research paper.

Bülent I have made up this message by using the way copy-paste. That is, İt is the same assessment with which I have sent steve. I haven't attached the grades paper as I said your grades before. However, if you still want, let me know, so I will sent it too. see you again. have a good study...

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Monday, May 7, 2012

Potential problem of the internet: ''The filter bubble''

The other side of the internet: ''The filter bubble''
Are we falling in a trap while using the internet? or Are we being manipulated or Is our worldview being restricted? The answers of these questions are in this video.You should pay more attention to the information which you get from the internet after watching this video.
Sometimes, we can have some trouble with regarding not to reach accurate sources or not to meet our expected knowledge from the internet. Most of the time, we aren't able to make out why this happens. This video helps you explore the reason of this and some of you may be surprised like me!
Eli Pariser, in his talks, suggests that as web companies struggle to accommodate their services( including news and search results) to our personal manners. As a result of this, unintended consequences may be pose a threat. We get trapped in a ''filter bubble'' and don't approach to the information what we search. Instead, we expose to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. So, what do you think about the web companies really do a service according to personal manners and restrict our worldview...
You can watch the video which I mentioned above by clicking on the link.