Monday, May 7, 2012

Potential problem of the internet: ''The filter bubble''

The other side of the internet: ''The filter bubble''
Are we falling in a trap while using the internet? or Are we being manipulated or Is our worldview being restricted? The answers of these questions are in this video.You should pay more attention to the information which you get from the internet after watching this video.
Sometimes, we can have some trouble with regarding not to reach accurate sources or not to meet our expected knowledge from the internet. Most of the time, we aren't able to make out why this happens. This video helps you explore the reason of this and some of you may be surprised like me!
Eli Pariser, in his talks, suggests that as web companies struggle to accommodate their services( including news and search results) to our personal manners. As a result of this, unintended consequences may be pose a threat. We get trapped in a ''filter bubble'' and don't approach to the information what we search. Instead, we expose to information that could challenge or broaden our worldview. So, what do you think about the web companies really do a service according to personal manners and restrict our worldview...
You can watch the video which I mentioned above by clicking on the link.


  1. Some of the web companies are doing a great job I think. However some of others just doing rebish things for just earning money. I think Their aim must be a Teaching users important and great thing and they must help learners to gain manner as you said.

    1. Cagdas - perhaps we need to educate ourselves about the 'filter' that Meryem refers to. For example, do you know about this search engine: -- it lets you search without anyone (like MR GOOGLE) monitoring our every key stroke.

      Do you think it will be your duty as an English teacher to make your students aware of this? Or should this be the job of another subject teacher?

  2. We have to aware of this and we can use another search engine as Steve teacher said. It may restrict our worldview not showing the same websites to all people.

  3. I think Meryem is right about puting this issue on a debate. Internet contains both dangers and benefits. We should be careful when we use internet and we had better be careful especially to protect our children from the dangers that lie on internet.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Very interesting topic Meryem. The number of concerned users are on the increase. For example, yes, in 50 years facebook will have millions of profiles after people die. In other words, a lot of people are willingly leaving their footsteps online without realizing what king of info they are giving out about themselves. And imagine how much easier this makes the job of CIA and other secret agencies ? For example lets take facebook again as an example. There are a lot of theories that Facebook cooperates with the Israilian Secret Agency (Mossad). And we are all aware that knowledge is the biggest source of power nowadays. So certain sites are a very smart way of profiling people and collecting info and certain data from them without them realizing it. Most people start using Facebook with the "oh cool!" mentality and without thinking the consequences of it. I am one of them too for example. I care only about keeping in touch with my friends and expressing myself through social networking sites for those who are interested. But the picture is far more greater and bigger than this. We should approach everything by questioning, in other words, by thinking outside the box. We should know that yes technology is great and makes life so much easier, but we should accept the fact that as much as we use technology, technology is using us on the same level.

  6. Meryem found a good topic and she is right. There are a lot of web sites which are very useful for us. they make our life easy but there are a lot of web sites which harm us or dangerous for. for example when we make online shopping we must choose the web sites carefully. Another way there may be some web sites which are dangerous for us but we dont know. I agree yagmur's idea. most of us using facebook and all of us have an account we share our photos or sths about our life. So, we must be careful when using the internet.

  7. Well, both upsides and downsides of the internet is up to the user I think. If the user uses the internet in good way, then there is would not be a danger that the user can encounter. However, this topic is very good and worth to debate. Dankeschön Meryem :P

  8. That's a really serious problem. I think the main reason is commercial interest of google with some sites meaning that some organizations or some people. Due to these inappropriate or wrongly ordered results, I usually do my own research. I advice all of my friend do the same process. For example, when I want to find a good movie, I am not typing ''best movie of the year ....'' to the google. First, am finding a good movie database, then I am looking for database. In all types of information its very useful. For scientific data, first I am finding the best scientific databases etc and etc. I dont trust google, especially after it has been reported that gmail sends private personal information.
