Friday, March 15, 2013

Reflection of ''Behaviourism''

In this week, the subject of the lecture is ''Behaviourism Approach to The Learning''. It has been instructed in an amusing way which includes both an instructional video-TED and an episode of one of the TV series. In contrast to the traditional way, teaching by this way makes the learning easy as it is observable. I had already learned and known this topic from the course which I took previously. However, I had difficulty in understanding, especially specific points of the topic such as unconditional-conditional responses and stimuluses. Since I always messed up differences between them, I had to make an effort  to able to figure out the subject. In addition, I confused with the mean of negative and positive reinforcements. Through the technique which was applied in the lecture, all these points were so clear that I had no problem in understanding as in the past. I don't think that I would have any problem with these points any more. As it can be understood from Behaviourism Approach, which focuses on observable learning events as demonstrated by stimulus and response relationship, learning always involves a change in behaviour, just like as in my behaviour toward this  subject.
There may be many teaching methods and techniques, but the most important point is to define and apply a suitable technique among them to the instruction. In order to teach effectively and accomplish the goal which is to make the students understand clearly, it is crucial to determine the right method in the right time.

Reflection of ''Instructional Objectives''

After we had covered this topic, I realized that one of the important points in preparing the subject for class is to determine instructional objectives. It can be said that planning instructional objectives is the corner stone of teaching action. The functions of the well-defined instructional goals and objectives can be seen after the class as they provide better instruction, more efficient learning results and student-oriented instruction. We had been taught these indications as a practical instruction. We were asked to determine instructional goals and objectives as an exercise. We were  seperated into the groups and each group presented their study. One of the group presented their study by performing in action. It was an amusing and an enjoyable performance. We all appreciated these performance. Moreover, the most important thing was that I observed and even experienced what makes the instruction better understandable and clear.