Tuesday, November 26, 2013

PPT with the narration & VOKI


The two outstanding experiments which are created so as to indicate the other two ways for language teaching and learning.  These ways definitely serve language learning and also ease the learning process by providing the learners with an opportunity to assess themselves by hearing their voice and developing their listening skills which has a crucial role in language learning. It is more than PPT. I think that it should be certainly included in language learning, in particular, students can be asked to record their voice as an audio journal to reflect what they learnt  after class rather than writing them on a piece of paper. By this way, their pronunciation and accordingly speaking skills would be developed. 

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Integrated skills


It's an amazing example of using technology in language learning. It provides learners with not only improving listening skills, but also writing skills as they need to write while listening. Moreover, they can also improve their pronunciation skills because they will probably start to sing the song after completing the task. As long as there is an opportunity to connect the internet, it would be the best activity to teach a language by developing the four skills simultaneously.

Monday, November 4, 2013

Vocabulary Profiling

TASK1: Unknown words that we might encounter while reading are the main disturbance in knowing the meaning of content. Actually, it isn't wrong to say that these words can sometimes be the main reason of not getting the meaning. However, if they are being guessed properly, the meaning of the content can be understandable. What if we are not able to guess their meaning, in this case, the content is most probably be misconceived. From this point of view, the conclusion can be drawn is the fact that in order to understand the text clearly, we have to either know the content or guess the unknown words properly form the content. I think there can be a high probability in failing to guess the meaning of unknown words, particularly, in literal text. According to me, the students very often encounter with unknown words as they are reading, but they often deal with them not by guessing, but looking at dictionary. It also happens to me very often, and I chose the latter technique rather than guessing. TASK2: On one aspect, knowing the most commonly used words is a must to teach English well as they allow teachers to speak fluency. If teachers speak fluency, they are able to conduct the lesson mush more understandable as they would express themselves well. However, on the another aspect, teaching something should not depends only on the vocabulary knowledge, there are many important points except knowing many words in teaching language such as knowing teaching strategies, methods,even learners' personalities. I always agree with the natural learning way and disagree with the memorization type of learning. In order to teach vocabulary, it is necessary to provide students with activities in which they have an opportunity to use the words which are taught. As I mentioned above, I strongly believe that learning naturally is more effective than the traditional way which can refers to explicit learning. 21st learners should be encouraged to discover and produce knowledge in order to make the knowledge permanent. Otherwise, they forget easily whatever they learn. Because of the fact that, the knowledge should be taught students implicitly by implementing it with activities, rather than explicitly. We can say that dictionaries help students learn vocabulary to some extend, but they need more. Dictionaries is actually, useful for mere checking the meaning of the words, not for learning the words. Therefore, the word lists may help in learning vocabulary, but provide effectiveness. For instance, if I didn't know the meaning of one word, it doesn't matter how often I look at the dictionaries for it, I would forget it each time. TASK3: It is obviously clear that a native speaker would score better result in such a test. Because he expose to the language much more time than a non-native speaker. Nevertheless, it is also important to note that in order to make good decisions about the usefulness of a word, it is important to know how common the word is used in English. In my opinion, it would be good for teachers to develop their sense of word frequency because it is important in making decision about which vocabulary gets students' attention and suits to their level. As a result of this, the most attention should be given on the words used common in order to develop students' fluency in using languaGE. Using Lextutor's Vocabulary Profiler: TASK1: By identifying the words regarding their functions and by finding the linguistic equivalents of their, we fairly see the vocabulary profile.