Sunday, April 21, 2013

Constructivism Learning Theory

Last week the topic we have covered is ''Constructivism'', one of the learning approaches. After doing a little research, I have found some basic assumptions and features of the constructivism learning theory which completely correspond with the class experiment. In the experiment. In the classroom activity, we were asked to search in the given topic by means of the web and then take note to highlight the key points and summary the topic, lastly we made a short presentation to explain our topics to each other. These activities reflect two of the key concepts of constructivism learning theory :
Assimilation; to learn by assimilating new idea to the experienced one.
Accomodation; to learn by constructing new structure and by reframing the expectations with the outcomes.
The other basic principles of the theory are : knowledge is consrtucted by learner, social learning is prefered, students are actively engaged in learning process-physically,mentally,verbally, motivation is a key component in learning, the more we know-the more we can learn and learning is contextual.
I have never experienced in this learning theory. When I was in highschool, traditional method is often used in  teaching process. Constructivism learning theory is very different approach toward traditional learning. Instead of telling, the teacher should begin asking, instead of answering questions, the teacher in this case must make the student comes to the conclusion on their own.
I have attached a video, which explains the theory in an effective manner,  I am sure you will enjoy.

Sunday, April 14, 2013


It is the first time that I have experienced online instruction with a group of people, even for the multıple-chat. It is very interesting and I have noticed the benefits of the technology one more time. The subject of the instruction is Gardner's multıple intelligences test. First we have made the test and then we have seen our percentages of all types of intelligence in a line chart. According to the MI model of Gardner's, at least five types of intelligence should be embedded in the instruction, as these types may differ from person to person and also the learning process can be maintained effectively by referring to different types of  intelligence.
The learning hierarchy, which takes into account certain courses given in the school and ignores the others, is used in education system of all countries, so it disregards the significance of the MI. That is the authority doesn't pay enough attention to the students' ability in all fields of study. For example, math is one of the fields which is paid more attention than the music or sport. I have a story which is directly related with learning hierarchy. When I was in high school, even though I was very interested in English, I was forced to study only math as it is important for the University entrance exam. 
The director of the school constituted a special class by aiming to succeed at high success for the school. I was in that class and our class was given a special foreign language education-English. One day, our first class was math, but our English teacher came to the school with a native speaker on that day and wanted us to speaking practice with his guest in the first two class hours, as his guest needed to leave from the school after lunch time. Then, he asked for a request to take the first class hours from math teacher, but she didn't accept with the excuse that we hadn't need to English for University entrance exam, we needed to Math. After they debated on this issue, director of the school came and convinced Math. teacher, so it was a great experience for us in speaking practice.

Saturday, April 13, 2013


One of the major topics of Cognitivism, which is one of the approach of learning, is the working process of the brain. The computer model is considered as a key metaphor to explain this approach clearly. Basically, the working system of brain is very similar with the computer: input,links between the inputs and activation of the links. In order to maintain the learning process effectively, a teacher definently needs to know some essential stages in the working process of the brain such as sensation, perception, attention, encoding and memory. These are directly related with the gaining knowledge. Therefore,  it is urgently required to be aware of this subject while planning the instructional objectives and in particular materials.
Thanks to the course in which I have learnt ''Cognitivism Approach'' and the workshop I attented a few weeks ago, I had have a chance to see an importance of knowing the brain system for an instruction. This is one of the initials which I have encountered in my school life. Because the gaining knowledge requires to take  account all of brain functions, instruction should be given by focusing on at least five different intelligence types. To do this, the use of various instructional materials is necessary. However, in traditional learning method, which I experienced through my education life, always the same method and its principles were used for the instruction. Because of this, practical implications of cognitivism- in particular attention makes the information memorable-weren't took into consideration. I hadn't been taught by any different method apart from the memorization.
Education is not a subject to be taken lightly. So, it is necessary to use a variety of instructional mateials to able to storage of information in long term memory by means of konwing the working process of the brain and to change the point of views toward the education.