Saturday, April 13, 2013


One of the major topics of Cognitivism, which is one of the approach of learning, is the working process of the brain. The computer model is considered as a key metaphor to explain this approach clearly. Basically, the working system of brain is very similar with the computer: input,links between the inputs and activation of the links. In order to maintain the learning process effectively, a teacher definently needs to know some essential stages in the working process of the brain such as sensation, perception, attention, encoding and memory. These are directly related with the gaining knowledge. Therefore,  it is urgently required to be aware of this subject while planning the instructional objectives and in particular materials.
Thanks to the course in which I have learnt ''Cognitivism Approach'' and the workshop I attented a few weeks ago, I had have a chance to see an importance of knowing the brain system for an instruction. This is one of the initials which I have encountered in my school life. Because the gaining knowledge requires to take  account all of brain functions, instruction should be given by focusing on at least five different intelligence types. To do this, the use of various instructional materials is necessary. However, in traditional learning method, which I experienced through my education life, always the same method and its principles were used for the instruction. Because of this, practical implications of cognitivism- in particular attention makes the information memorable-weren't took into consideration. I hadn't been taught by any different method apart from the memorization.
Education is not a subject to be taken lightly. So, it is necessary to use a variety of instructional mateials to able to storage of information in long term memory by means of konwing the working process of the brain and to change the point of views toward the education.

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