Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Robert Gagne's Conditions of Learning

20 March 2013

It was one of the enjoyable lessons- Conditions of Learning. It was conducted in the open air-the school's garden. After we covered the topic in the first two hours, we went out to the garden for the practical part of the lesson. We applied to making Turkish coffee in the Gagne's stages of instruction. It was a really nice instruction, everything was fine except the weather. It was a bit cold:)))

To make a difference instruction, there are some factors should be regarded:
To identify five distinct domains or variety of learning outcomes that represent the range of human accomplishments, such as verbal information, intellectual skills, cognitive strategies and so on, to determine requirements for instruction that support learning and to guide for designing instruction.
What are the conditions of learning?
External conditions which are stimulus from the environment and internal conditions which are the learner's internal states like his/her feelings, thought and emotion.
According to Gagne, there are 9 phases of learning. In order to give an effective lesson, these phases should be followed.
-In the preparation stage for learning, gaining attention, identifying the instructional objectives and retrieval information take place.
-In acquisition and performance stage, selecting perception of stimulus features, responding and reinforcement are important.
-In the final stage, transfer of learning, cueing retrieval and generalizability is getting involved.

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