Saturday, May 18, 2013

Sophisticated Lesson

One of the enjoyable lessons was conducted last week. Three groups in the classroom were given an opportunity to give a lesson. Next week, the rest of the class will perform on giving an instruction. One of the groups is  my friend and I. We are going to cover the topic ''Language and Learning''. It is very important to give students such a chance so that they gain experience. Moreover, it contributes to gaining knowledge as preparing and conducting the lesson requires doing research and doing some activities as a real teacher. In addition to prepare a lesson plan is an inseparable part of the perform in an effective lesson. A teacher also has to know the principles of the teaching such as which method should be applied, which steps should be followed, what kind of activities should be provided to make the topic clear, and so on.
If it is needed to be evaluated the last week performances, I can say that all of them don't reflect the features of the effective lesson which I have talked about a few of them above. In other words, the performers were not able to convey the important points of the subject. They could have given the lesson in a more effective way, for instance, they might have added more activities into their lesson. In spite of the poor performed lessons, to become experienced in teaching is a good side of such a tryout instruction. Nevertheless I congratulate my colleagues because of their teaching performances.

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