Tuesday, October 1, 2013

A must have medium for education in today's world

Many of today's classrooms have been relatively changed from the traditional way to the technology based learning. Teachers, no longer, teach new things by means of a new ways by using digital tools to support and enhance the learning process. It can be frankly said that technology extends the learning environments beyond the classroom walls by connecting learners with others: other learners, experts, and so on.
The benefits of technology in teaching and learning are proved by the researches conducted over the years, so authorities agree on using technology to facilitate and improve students' learning. Therefore, teachers cannot be away from integrating technology and media in their classroom settings any more. They need to continuously improve their professional practice and be an effective user of the digital tools and resources in professional community.
From that point of view above, the necessity of technology is indisputable in not only language teaching, but also in any study area. However, if we have a look at the education in Turkey, it is hardly to say that technology is used commonly in every school. Even, it is used so rarely that teachers are not capable of using digital tools in their classrooms, in fact, they have not knowledge about them. Along with the development of the technology in today, they have had to keep up with the technology and started to integrate it into the teaching materials. http://warlight.tripod.com/KONIG.html This link gives more information about the language learning in Turkey.
 I would describe the use of technology in language learning in Turkey as an ''infant'' since it is used freshly minted. So, it needs to develop and increase the frequency of its usage. I think that every school should have a language laboratory equipped with computer and internet connection. It is essential to make the language acquisition possible with all skills, as it provides students with an intensive learning and teaching process. Therefore, what is achieved through the language learning reform can be promoted by using the technology in the future.

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, it seems that we are always playing catch up when it comes to educational technology. The state of technology in Turkey report republished by Güray Çağlar König is in fact from the 1990s. It would be interesting to see what the current state of affairs is in Turkey. Recently, the Turkish government said it was going to provide a tablet computer for each student in primary and secondary education. I'm not sure what has happened to that initiative, but do you think that this approach would address the fundamental deficiencies in the use of technology in education in Turkey?
