Friday, October 25, 2013

Psychoogical Perspective on The Learning

As all we know from the previous knowledge of Educational Psychology, psychological factors have a strong impact on the learning process and this issue should be taken into consideration seriously as well as the other factors such as using a variety of materials, presenting various activities, and even providing students with technology and media integration in the course of the lesson. Today's students known also as 21st century learners desire to learn from multiple formats rather than books. This requires using multiple sources gathered through technological resources. Because of the fact that teachers need to engage them in multitasking and help them view information in a broad and a networked format so that they develop their competency skills like media and technology. In order to fulfil this necessity, teachers not only need to use technology effectively in their teaching, but also need to guide students in using technological tools to enhance their learning. Along with these requirements, there is one more essential thing for effective teaching and learning, which should be given enough attention is ''psychological situation'' of the students in their learning environment. It is important to keep Maslow's hierarchy of needs in mind in order to determine learner needs and their expectations. In the circumstances in which students' basic needs-hunger, lighting, noise, and so forth are not provided, students would be less able to mentally engage in meaningful learning activities and they most probably will fail to gather the knowledge which is presented. In order to make this subject more clear, I want to analyze an instructional situation in one of my courses-Advanced writing and research skills and to identify it from the psychological perspective on learning. In the second week of the course, the instructor was assigned us with finding fifty sources for our research topic without giving sufficient information about how we can search to find such an amount of source and gather information to write a research proposal. This makes almost us feel helpless and think of failing in gathering the sources, even one thinks to withdraw the course. However, in the following week, she provided us with the necessary information on this suject. As one of the major goals of teachers, she helped us improve our inquiry approaches by giving suggestions and address of some educational internet sites, in addition, she guided us how we can access the related information to our research. It resulted on one hand in facilitating and developing our meadia and technology competencies, on the other hand in increasing our understanding about how we use and apply these skills to gather essential knowledge regarding with our research topic. Because this course is conducted through such technological tools as power point projector, and internet, it may not sufficiently provides us with the technology integration but the instructor supports us individually to engage with technology and media. I think it is not enough, but because of the conditions in learning environment which is offered doesn't yield so much things.

1 comment:

  1. Always a difficult issue to decide exactly how much information to 'give' to students, and how much information you want students to 'get' on their own initiative. The classic ZPD that Vygotsky described...if we give too much the students get bored and don't develop, and if we give too little, the students get frustrated and don't develop. :)
