Sunday, October 27, 2013

''ASSURE'' model

As I was covering the ASSURE model, I raised such a question on my own that whether this model would indeed be used with all its steps by demonstrating in practice or is it really necessary to embed this model in the lesson plan in order to improve the effectiveness of the lesson? When I thought my past experiences as a student learning English, I don't think that any teachers conducted the language lessons by taking this model into consideration. The reason for this may be the lack of technological instruments in the classroom setting. In other words, ASSURE model is based on the integration technology, so it requires using a variety of technology and media as an instructional material. When I was in the preparatory school, there weren't various types of technological materials. Only CD-player, video and projector were involved in the teaching materials, which I was already familiar with them in high school. Therefore, I was thinking that these are considered as standard materials selected for teaching a foreign language until meeting with Mr. Neufeld in undergraduate program. I had many experiences in using technology and media for the purpose of both teaching and learning English since I have taken the courses from him. As we weren't integrated with the technology and media in preparatory school, at least two steps-setting strategies and utilize technology were missing according to the ASSURE model. If it needs to identify the steps in the ASSURE model, it isn't wrong to say that only three steps were obviously included in the lessons. First, the step ''analyze learners'' was certain as we all had similar proficiency level-upper and ours aim was to achieve proficiency exam rather to acquire the language just because we were trained for this aim. Therefore, the instructor would prepare the classroom activities by paying regard to the aim, our competency, knowledge and skills not to use language skills appropriately, but to teach the language components. Second step ''state standards and objectives'' would be determined and specified, for instance, if the lesson topic was about reading skills, we were expected to able to skimming and scanning to get the main idea from the text. For the third step ''the require learner participation'', just one instructor would provide activities that allow us to practice the new knowledge or skills and to give feedback on our efforts before formally assessed us. The most important conclusion can be drawn from my experiences that if the aim in language learning had been not to achieve the proficiency exam, but to acquire the language, I would most probably have developed all language skills, especially speaking just as the case in high school. In addition, in order to facilitate language learning, it is an indisputable fact that the integration technology and media are an essential part of the language classroom.

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