Tuesday, October 1, 2013

To be equipped with all ''Literacy Skills''

Considering a foreign language learning, after the last week class, I realized that I had no literacy skills except from the general literacy- the ability of comprehending or decoding information to use and create new information-when I was in secondary school. At that time, the learning environment did not require acquiring knowledge and literacy skills, but reading.  A course book and a blackboard were commonly used as teaching materials. Therefore, I started high school with only ''general literacy''. I always think the only reason for that is my language teacher. He didn't care about whether we were learning English or not. On the contrary, he was interested what points we take from the exams even he predicted that. When I started high school, my point of view toward learning a foreign language was totally changed in a positive way. I was really interested in learning English and my teacher was completely different from the previous one. Thanks to him, I have learned English with all skills, in addition, I have acquired another literacy skills, such as media, cyberleaning, visual, audio, and so forth. Because of that, I have already prepared for the demands of academia when I started University. However, there were still few literacy skills which I needed to develop to tackle with the demands of the University. One of them was computer literacy. The first year at University, I had a computer course, so I had an opportunity to learn how to recognize and find solutions to hardware and software problems. The other literacy skills I had to improve was cyperlearning literacy requiring to use of a variety of technology tools to connect with people and resources beyond the boundaries of a normal classroom setting. By taking account from many educational media sites, like edmodo, blogger, and so on for the courses that are conducted by Mr. Neufeld, I have become competent in using technology tools.
After all, I think that I still need to develop ''computer literacy'' which is my weakest. Nowadays, it should be  definitely considered to be competent in all of literacies by teachers. As a prosperity teacher, I am planning to upgrade my literacy skills and knowledge as frequently as it needs. It must be accepted that technology is a prominent part of the teaching and learning in today's world.

1 comment:

  1. It seems that your educational experience in high school was very positive with regard to literacy skills. Do you still keep in touch with your English teacher via any social media? You make an important point Will you assume responsibility for upgrading your literacy skills when you are a teacher, or do you think it is the responsibility of your employer to provide you with the time and the courses you need? Do you think parents would agree to support your professional development?
