Monday, October 28, 2013

DDL(Data-Driven Learning)

According to Palmer, ''learning is a process of discovery'', which might actually give an explanation of the DDL as it requires constructing knowledge by hypothesizing, experimenting and observing it. Because of the fact that it might not be easy to follow the Data-Driven Learning Principles in face-to-face classroom. The main reason for that there must be provided students with such a learning environment in which they are able to discovery and exploit the knowledge with the exploratory tasks and activities rather than traditional ''drill-kill'' exercises. Therefore, in traditional cl assess, there probably would be such problems that lack of exploratory tools, no internet connection, insufficient technological materials, and so forth. As a result of these, the targeted teaching topic might not be achieved. In the light of the description of the DDL, I think that students should definitely be guided with group work activities as in the constructivism approach. Students should be encouraged to work together and discovery the knowledge in order to deal with the tasks. In my opinion, the usage of the computer and internet is the cornerstone of DDL, as it is based on the exploration and construction of the knowledge. In order to provide students with authentic materials and integrate them into the exploratory tasks and activities, we need to integrate with technology and media as they supply a great variety of materials to enhance learning.

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